Jack Whyte
About Jack Whyte
Jack Whyte has written three highly successful series of Historical adventures: "The Camulod Chronicles", set in 5th-Century post-Roman Britain, "The Knights Templar Trilogy", set in 12th- 13th- and 14th-Century France, and the current "Guardians" series, (re-titled as "The Bravehearts Chronicle" in Britain), which deals with 14th-Century Scotland during the Wars of Independence and features the Scots heroes of those wars: William Wallace, Robert the Bruce and Sir James the Black Douglas. A million-plus bestselling author in Canada, Whyte's works are widely translated into more than a dozen languages and have won him a large and faithful following wherever they appear. He lives in British Columbia, Canada, and his official "home" on the 'Web is www.jackwhyte.com.
Posts by Jack Whyte:
Sep 19 2015
There’s Always a Price Tag
Have you noticed the cost of a paperback book recently? I never lose sight of it; it’s my bread and butter. A long time ago, when I was a boy back in the U.K., paperback books were looked down upon as “pulp fiction”. We were actively discouraged from reading them, and they had built-in obsolescence. […]